Cannabis Webinars

Cannabis Potency Testing and Terpene Profiling using GCxGC TOF-MS

Dave Alonso explores GCxGC TOFMS analysis of cannabis samples for understanding of terpene and cannabinoids among cannabis cultivars. Presented 16 April 2020.

Characterization of Beverage Products Containing Cannabidiol (CBD) by GCxGC TOF-MS

Liz Humston-Fulmer [LECO] utilized GCxGC TOF-MS technologies to understand the chemical composition of CBD-infused beverages. Originally presented 26 March 2020.

Jeff Gast [LECO] presents an approach for determining proper temperature and analytical gas composition to provide the most accurate moisture value in cannabis, utilizing the RC612 and TGM800. Originally presented 02 April 2020.

Cannabis is difficult to analyze due to its chemical diversity and the wide concentration ranges of its constituents. This diversity is important in determining its utility, potency and medicinal effectiveness. Julie Kowalski [JA Kowalski Science Support] discusses using GCxGC TOF-MS to determine constituents (such as cannabinoids, terpnes, flavonoids, and contaminants) in cannabis samples. On-demand webinar.

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