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Showing results for "olympus"

Informational brochure for Olympus DSX1000 Digital Microscope. LECO Ref. #209-230-012

Simplify complex microscopy tasks with the Olympus BX53M Upright Microscope. Users can get the most of this microscope without the need for extensive training and the easy, comfortable operation improves reproducibility by minimizing human error. LECO Ref. #209-253

Meet the new compact solution for professional digital imaging in microscopy: the Olympus DP12 microscope digital camera. This system can operate without a computer; a control unit allows video output or storage on SmartMedia cards. LECO Ref. #209-128

Useful in a wide range of applications, the Olympus GX53 Inverted Microscope enables users to inspect polished metals and cross-section samples by placing the upside down on the stage. Samples do not need to be leveled, and can be thick, large, or heavy. LECO Ref. #209-264

The Olympus SZ Series Stereomicroscopes offer enhanced optical systems to enhance user comfort while working with stereo microscopes, leading to more precise and consistent results. The SZX7 utilizes Galilean optical system; SZ51 and SZ61 use Greenough optical systems. LECO Ref. #209-156

The Olympus SZX series Research Stereomicroscopes (SZX16 and SZX10) enhance the efficiency required for cutting-edge industrial research and development or quality analysis. LECO Ref. #209-181

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