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The best-trained experts can only move as fast as their equipment allows

Pegasus BT FLUX with L pal 3 outlinedSpeeding up analysis times and sample runs often means sacrificing chromatography or compound counts. This has never been the case with LECO's Pegasus® BT with ChromaTOF® brand software.

Imagine never having to re-run a sample:

  • GC-TOFMS means one run gets you full sample results, so you can increase your sample throughput without sacrificing quality.
  • ChromaTOF brand software provides powerful software tools to eliminate busywork burdens
    and speed up processing/ reduce time to generate results.
  • StayClean® Electrion Ionization  (EI) source is designed to virtually eliminate source cleaning

With the Pegasus BT, you can reduce your sample concentration by a factor of more than twenty and still have the sensitivity to exceed your reporting limit with a single run.

From the maintenance-free design of the instrument itself to customizable software that always picks up exactly where you left off, the Pegasus means your lab can do more than just run: it can fly.

Simplify challenging samples with TOF-MS

There are benefits and drawbacks to every kind of mass analyzer, but a time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) excels with the full breadth and speed of data acquisition. No other type of mass spectrometer can acquire the full mass range of a sample for non-targeted data mining, yielding high-quality library matches through mass spectral deconvolution.

Fast gas chromatography does not come at the expense of quality: TOF-MS results have accurate quantitation with the full mass range of up to 500 spectra/s and 5 orders of magnitude.

A Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer is ideal for discovering new compounds in your sample, quantifying targeted compounds in complex samples, and increasing throughput with fast chromatography. Learn more about the Benefits of Equipping your Lab with a Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer.

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